
Allergy Machine Air Filter PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS Trade channel for the Austin Air Allergy Machine®. The Austin Air Allergy...
Allergy Machine Junior Filter PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Replacement filter for the Austin Air Allergy Machine Junior®. The Austin Air...
Baby’s Breath Filter PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Austin Air Baby's Breath® will give your infant the spotless air they...
FILTER SPECIFICATIONS STAGE 1 – Large Particle Pre-filter. Removes particles easily seen by the naked eye (e.g. dust,...
HealthMate Air Filter PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Substitution channel for the Austin Air HealthMate®. The Austin Air HealthMate® was intended...
HealthMate Plus Air Filter PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Replacement filter for the Austin Air HealthMate Plus®. The Austin Air HealthMate...
HealthMate Plus Junior Filter PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Replacement filter for the Austin Air HealthMate Plus Junior®. The Austin Air HealthMate Plus Junior®,...
Pet Machine Air Filter PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Replacement filter for the Austin Air Pet Machine®. The Austin Air Pet...